Saturday, April 11, 2009

Puff: Team Awesome

ok so this new expansion... love it.. pain in the ass but love it :D Fluffy and i completed it :D!!The final BC was annoying... 6 people verus..... A ROCK! THAT CLONES YOU... oh yes Puff rather enjoyed blowing up some Fluffy.

it also cloned me XD which was funny... im like omg so emo cause I killed myself here D:I have tons of screen shots of the final CS but not going to really over load this place with spoilers all I gotta say yes I <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
all in all...I'm full of awesome... dear god I spent too much time with Asta today...


Omari said...

Congrats on your win. Final fight looks like fun.

Not looking forward to climbing the tower tho. ._.

Fluffypuff said...

its not that bad if you are careful...just really long :/